8 Important Benefits of Engineered Stone Countertops That You Should Know

Engineered stone countertops signify the countertops or surfaces that are engineered or man-made. Quartz countertop is the most popular type of engineered surface that contains 90% ground quartz and 10% resins, pigments, binders, etc. The engineered surfaces are becoming a preferred choice of homeowners these days owing to the benefits that they offer.

We have listed below eight important benefits of engineered stone countertops that you should know as a prospective buyer:

1.Impressively Durable – The engineered stone surfaces score great on the durability scale. So, they are not prone to chipping or breaking easily and wear well.

2.Uniform Surface – The engineered stone surfaces exhibit remarkable consistency and uniformity in their patterns, unlike many natural stone surfaces such as granite marble surfaces.

3.Myriad of Color Choices – Engineered countertop surfaces come in a wide variety of colors of various hues and shades. They also include colors and patterns similar to natural stones surfaces.

4.High Heat Tolerance – The heat tolerance of these surfaces is quite high, which makes them ideal for kitchen use. You may place hot utensils over them without worrying about any kind of harm to the countertop surface.

5.Stain Resistance – The non-porous surface of engineered countertops ensures resistance to stains. Accidental spills of juice, oil, etc., are not a matter of worrying with these countertops.

6.Hygienic Countertops – The countertops fabricated from engineered stones provide a great degree of hygiene in the way that they do not allow the formation of bacteria or mold over them.

7.Easy to Maintain– As the engineered stone surfaces are non-porous and hygienic, they also become easy to maintain. They do not require resealing, and the routine cleaning can be done by using a mild detergent with lukewarm water.

8. Eco-Friendly– You may contribute your share to the environment by simply installing an engineered countertop at your home. These surfaces are manufactured and recycled without any harm to the environment.

If you are looking for premium quality engineered stone countertops at affordable prices for your home or business, you may get them at Mont Granite.

Mont Granite, Inc. deals in a wide range of surfaces that includes both engineered stone surfaces and natural stone surfaces. You will find here engineered quartz countertops, white granite countertops, travertine countertops, marble flooring, porcelain surfaces, recycled glass surfaces, and much more. You may view the complete range at http://www.montgranite.com/

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